



pailui 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Guess what is in the town? Lunch promotion! Yesterday my colleague mentioned that there is a promotion banner @ U-Village Restaurant, Sg Wang. The promotion is RM1 for Char Siew Rice from 1-2pm, RM2 from 2-3pm on 26-27 Feb 2009. At first we did not trust it and everyone is wondering of the terms and condition to apply.

So, we decided to verify the promotion ourselves during today's lunch hour. With 6 people, we marched on to our U-Village. Well, not so crowded there but still need to be put on waiting for empty tables. After waiting for 10 minutes, finally we get our seat. We ordered a total of 7 plates of Char Siew Rice...it's really RM1 perplate. The rice accompany the Char Siew is quite a big portion while the Char Siew portion seems to be smaller. But it's worth for RM1. Immediately we try on the Char Siew Rice...yummy...taste nice...Then, I regretted not to bring my camera to office...If not I can show you the photos here. Here is the proof of recipe.  See the D'LY Special RM1.00! We'll be back tomorrow! Yeah!



pailui 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

  • Feb 26 Thu 2009 12:41
  • Update

Erm...Today decided to continue on the blogging...Think I have deserted my blog for a long period. It's time to pick up on this habit. Gambatte ne! Hope I wouldn't give up half way again....

pailui 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Last night I picked up a book that I've read long time ago...."How to enjoy your life and your job" by Dale Carnegie.

Then, I read through the Chapter 1: Find yourself and Be Yourself and found a poem by Douglas Malloch (1877 - 1938).

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登 登 登 登 。。。星期六的寻宝游戏成绩要公布了。。。

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pailui 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Going to watch movie The Dark Knight tonight. 
Heard that it has a good review o....
Can't wait for the movie...

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Currently, my pastor's sermon is on the topic of God's Antidotes to My Life (神赐的排毒餐). It's the 10th sermon on this topic last week. He preached about toxins in our life, which we could remove based on Psalm 23, it's about the 5th toxin last week.

Found that it's really interesting....
Toxin #1 : Worry
Toxin #2 : Busyness

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Here is an meaningful article (extracted from an email received) to share with you....

小時候我很喜歡做的一件事,就是幫忙媽媽檢查回來的蛤蜊裡有沒有壞的。蛤蜊的外殼看起來都差不多,但是如果一不小心讓一個臭掉的蛤蜊混在新鮮蛤蜊中,那整碗湯就都糟蹋了,所以雖是小事一椿,我可一點也不敢掉以輕心,並將此神聖的使命視為莊嚴的儀式 ,用虔誠又恭敬的心情在做這件事。檢查的方法是用左手先拿住一個蛤蜊,再用右手撿起其他蛤蜊,一個一個的敲敲看,如果蛤蜊敲出的聲音是結實的,就是新鮮的蛤蜊,如果敲的聲音是虛的,有點沙啞,不管它的口閉得多繄,還是臭的蛤蜊。小孩子耳朵好,很容易就可以辨別出好壞,自從母親教過我 之後,我幾乎不曾「誤判」過,也使家人每次在享受鮮美的蛤蜊湯時,都會誇獎這個「蛤蜊鑑定專家」。所有的蛤蜊都是臭的!有一天,母親又買回一包蛤蜊,我熟練的拿出一個大碗,開始我的鑑定工作,出乎意料之外的是:居然「所有的」蛤蜊都是壞掉的?我簡直不敢相信我的耳朵,一個一個再敲過一次,竟然仍然「沒有一個」蛤蜊是好的!那種感覺就很像一位警察到一部公車上去抓扒手,結果發現一車的人都是扒手!我捧著那一大碗被判刑的蛤蜊去稟告母親,母親很是驚訝 :「怎麼會這樣呢?這個賣蛤蜊的從來不會騙我的呀?」於是母親大人親自動手檢驗,這才發現原來我抓在左手中的那個蛤蜊是壞的!難怪敲起來聲音全部不對勁!這種「原來如此」的恍然大悟的經驗,往往在孩子心中烙下深刻的溝痕,然後進入記憶的深處,等候生命的唱盤再度轉到那個相似的部位。都遇到不好的人!

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